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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Don’t Forget To Greet The Stranger On The Road

stranger or angel
You never know, you just might have made the acquaintance of an angel without knowing it.  Call it a hunch, or an intuition or the sixth sense.  Call it what ever you like.

Come to think of it there was something about this stranger yet somehow, at that very moment it just did not dawn on me, until sometime some where down the road I faced another near encounter and THEN another stranger approached in the distance and I stopped in my tracks.  Should I greet this person again?  Is this the same person or are there many like them?

I recalled some of the many instances where someone came along in the other direction of the road.  Someone good always does!  Often in times of distress.  And I sat by the side of the road and reminisced and I wondered of those encounters where I had met a remarkable person who should not have been there in any other ordinary circumstance. 

Some of these folks we may have met only once, and then they are gone forever.  Never to be seen again in our life time. Maybe it was so long ago yet the scene still plays out on the grey screen like it was just yesterday. 

Often times we do not see them again because they have fulfilled a purpose at a particular moment in our life and their job is done and because we have probably moved away from where it all began, in the end we simply remember them as ordinary folks. Nothing more nothing less.  Just ordinary people. Or were they really?

Others, believe it or not, we still meet every other day in this present time in different circumstances. Think about it! Different scenarios for different people and in the bustle of life, in our busyness, we don’t realise the plans that are in store for us that slowly but surely unravel before us in ordinary circumstances that, most times we take for granted as just normal events.

What about you?  Do you ever wonder about the good folks you have met along the way, folks you have met in different situations in your life whether it was positive or it was negative? Folks who for some reason were not there by mistake, and whether you liked it or not and whether directly or indirectly they had left a lasting impression or made an impact on your life that many times their stories don’t ever make the the blank pages of your  personal diary because its already written forever in your heart.

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