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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Auckland The City of Sails

The City of Sails

In November this year I had the opportunity to travel to Auckland with five of my colleagues from the PNG Investment Promotion Authority.
Auckland Mariner

We had travelled to Auckland to do user acceptance testing on the recently launched PNG business online registry which went live on 25 November 2013.

The Rydges Hotel

For two weeks from the 4th to the 15th of November we stayed at the Rydges Hotel which is conveniently located in the Auckland CBD and just walking distance to the New Zealand Companies Office located on the 18th floor of the ASB Centre where we did testing on the new PNG online business registry.

ASB Centre

User acceptance testing on the new PNG online business registry basically involved testing prepared test scripts to test different scenarios that would be expected on the live online registry and the first week of testing was quite intensive so the Friday of the first week we all decided to head down to one of the waterholes, called the Waterfront, located somewhere down at the mariner.


Unfortunately, the journey to Auckland was only for two weeks and there was no time for sight seeing during the weekdays. 

But Gary Sin from the New Zealand Companies Office was kind enough to take us around to two tourist attractions on Saturday of the first week.  One was to the Obelisk look out on One Tree Hill. 

One Tree Hill Obelisk

The other site we went to late in the afternoon was to the Mount Victoria look out at Devon Port.

Devon Port Look Out

After a long day we had fish and chips on the lawn at Devon Port wharf with Gary before he left us and we took a ferry ride back to the Auckland CBD and back to our hotel rooms.

Auckland is a beautiful city and we enjoyed every moment of our short stay there.  Hopefully I will visit the city of sails again in the new future.
 Land of the long white clouds